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SHOWTIME! The ISS Will Fly Overhead Within The Hour...

Looking into the night sky and seeing the International Space Station fly overhead is mind-blowing! Just think, you are watching something that is 230 miles above you, flying at nearly 5 miles per second. If you've never taken the opportunity to check it out, it's worth a few minutes of your time...


How To View The International Space Station


When To Look...

The ISS will be visible in our area this evening at 6:25 pm for 3 minutes! 3 minutes should be more than enough to view it, but remember it will be moving FAST.

Where To Look...

At 6:25 pm, the ISS will appear about 29 degrees above the horizon in the southwest part of the sky and move toward the northeast. The ISS will reach a peak elevation of 79 degrees above the horizon, so look high in the sky...


Grab a light jacket and enjoy the show as temperatures fall into the 50's...




-Rick DeLuca




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